Friday, December 12, 2014

Marriage Equality

Same sex marriage is currently legal in 35 states either from legislative action, popular vote, or court decision. In Kisha Naik's article on Legalizing same sex marriage in all states, she argues that, “Gay people should have the same rights just as everyone else in this country; they are human beings and citizens of the United States so they need to be treated with equality.” I agree, gay people should have marriage equality just like everyone else. Many may disagree due to religious views and say that it “redefines marriage”. Weather you think it is right or wrong who has the right to define marriage in the United States?

Kentucky recently finished a 6th circuit federal court case on same sex marriage. The results were not enough for the plaintiff or Governor Steve Beshear. Beshear has "consistently taken the position that the citizens of Kentucky deserve to have the highest court of the land determine" whether there is a constitutional right to gay marriage.(1) The plaintiffs filed a petition on Nov. 18th asking the Supreme Court to hear their case.

I hope that the Supreme Court chooses to hear this case, or a similar case. A decision needs to be made. The question is not can gay people can get married, its who has the right to define “marriage”.

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